Career & Resume Advice

students researching jobs online

Do you…

  • have clear career goals?
  • understand the career implications of changing degrees or majors?
  • know about your further study options?

We are here to assist you! Our services are available to both domestic and international students as well as recent graduates and include career and resume advice.

Career Advice

Our experienced Careers Consultants are here to help you formulate your strategic career path respective to your current studies. Ask them a question through CareerHub,  or book into one of our Career Q&A sessions and ask anything career-related.

Additionally, we have a broad range of resources available to you so you can be completely self-sufficient. Remember, we are still just a phone call away if you decide that you need more help.

Resume Advice

Resumes (sometimes known as Curriculum Vitae or CV for short) are much more than just a chronological listing of skills and activities. It is your opportunity to promote yourself to potential employers. It is a reflection of how you see yourself and, to the trained reader can portray your values, philosophies, and areas of employment interest. Hence, the best person to write your resume is you! However, we are here to help and offer a range of services and resources to assist you.

Step 1 - Create an Impressive Resume

Review our Create an Impressive Resume resource that will go through:

  • Getting Started
  • Resume Guidelines and Features
  • Sample Resume Templates
  • Resume Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Step 2 - Review your Resume

You can receive feedback on your resume within approximately 5 minutes using CV360. This tool uses the same technology that employers use to screen resumes, checking your resume against over 50 checks on things such as:

  • Presentation
  • Structure
  • Language and spelling

As a WSU student, you have unlimited access to this resource and can submit your resume as many times as required in order to achieve a great score.

In Creating an Impressive Resume you will be guided through the process of building your resume and seeking appropriate feedback. Come along to one of our Workshops.